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With specialist knowledge of sensory integration, child development and occupational science, we empower children to flourish despite varying support needs. Activities are created to provide a ‘just-right’ challenge for your child to ensure that they achieve success whilst being challenged to develop their skills in their underlying areas of difficulties. 


Following a thorough assessment and conversation regarding your child's strengths and needs, we will create a personalised therapy plan that works for you and your child to target occupational needs identified during assessment. 

kid looking out

Areas that we can support with:

Fine motor skills

The ability to make finely tuned movements using the small muscles in our hands and wrists. For example, cutting with scissors requires object manipulation, control and a specific grasp pattern.


Letter and number formation, speed, fluency, legibility and spatial orientation.

Gross motor skills

Strength and muscle tone, postural control, bilateral coordination, agility.

Attention and concentration

Maintaining, modulating, shifting and lengthening attention span.

Self-regulation skills (energy & arousal levels, managing emotions and behavioural responses)

Self-regulation is the ability to change arousal to match the environment and the activity. E.g. sustaining attention in the classroom. 

Motor planning and coordination

Motor planning is what allows us to move our bodies the way we want. It is the process of generating an idea, planning and sequencing the motor action, executing the action, adapting our movements based on our environment.  

Visual perception skills

How the child interprets what they see. Enhancing skills for reading, spelling, retention, numeracy, comprehension and expression.

Sensory integration

How our bodies register sensory information and send it to the brain for organisation. The brain interprets the sensation and formulates an appropriate motor and behavioural response.

Daily living skills

Becoming more confident and independent in dressing, buttons, zips, toileting, play, sleep, feeding, and much more.


Executive functions

Cognitive processes such as problem solving, sequencing, flexible thinking, organisation and self control.

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