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Price List

Initial Consultation

20-30 minutes

US$ 39.00

An initial parent consultation to discuss your reasons and expectation in seeking occupational therapy for your child, gather information regarding your child's medical and development history, and discuss any questions that you may have. 



Approximately 50 minutes, and includes a written report

US$ 195.00

A thorough assessment is completed to identify your child's OT-related needs. This is needed for the OT to devise a personalized therapy plan that works for you and your child. This service includes a detailed report, outlining assessment findings, future recommendations and working with you to develop achievable and measurable goals for your child. 


Therapy Session

40 minutes

US$ 59.00

The OT will devise a personalized therapy plan to target areas of need and promote your child's skills, self-esteem and confidence. The OT may use a variety of approaches when working with your child, such as play therapy, functional task practice or sensory integration. The initial sessions will consist of the therapist building rapport with your child as a firm client-therapist relationship is essential for therapy. In subsequent sessions, we will work towards the identified goals, which will be reviewed regularly.


Summarised Progress Report

US$ 95.00

In addition to regular communication between parents and the therapist, parents may request a progress report following sufficient therapy input. The purpose of this report is to provide an update of your child's progress in therapy as well as outline outstanding needs that should continue to be targeted in therapy.


Bespoke Services

Price available on request

Additional services can be provided to meet the needs of your child, contact us to schedule your initial consultation and to discuss how we can support the development of your child.

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